
AthenaFS Completes System Upgrade to AWS – Enhancing the Efficiency of Technological Solutions for Clients

AthenaFS is pleased to announce the successful completion of our migration journey, transitioning all of Athena's systems to operate on the AWS (Amazon Web Services) platform. This marks a significant milestone in optimizing its products and services. This upgrade not only represents a step forward in infrastructure but also brings practical benefits to current and future clients utilizing AthenaFS’s solutions.

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1. Accelerated Deployment and Operations

The data processing speed has significantly improved after the migration of AthenaFS's product infrastructure to AWS, reducing the time clients have to wait for their data to be updated daily. As a result, AthenaFS's system supports clients in completing more tasks without needing to increase the number of users. During peak periods, Athena's existing clients have noted that system performance remains stable, just as during other periods of the month.

The time required to deploy Athena’s products to new clients with high data processing demands has been reduced by 50%, thanks to shortened estimation and infrastructure configuration times.

2. Optimized Operational Performance

Given the need to process large volumes of constantly changing, continuously circulating data, consolidating all of Athena’s products on AWS not only ensures a stable user experience on the system but also accelerates the updating of new data across systems.

3. Reduced Risk Thanks to Advanced Security System

Due to the nature of the industry, security is one of the top concerns for AthenaFS’s clients when seeking solutions. Through AWS's robust security infrastructure, AthenaFS’s solutions ensure that clients’ business data is securely protected, minimizing risks related to information security and other security issues.

4. Enhanced User Experience

One of Athena's strengths is its continuous focus on user experience. By integrating with AWS, Athena’s products will deliver a more stable operational experience, maximizing end-user satisfaction.


AthenaFS’s system upgrade to the AWS platform is not just a technological improvement and standardization, but it also brings significant practical value to clients. From performance optimization to enhanced security, Athena always aims to deliver maximum benefits to our clients, helping them optimize work performance and achieve long-term business success.

AthenaFS is committed to continuing to provide advanced technological solutions and will always strive to improve, partnering with clients on their journey of digital transformation and sustainable growth.

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